


Anomalie #1483 » PdfController1.php

fichier modifié est il correct ? - Alain Paris, 26/08/2020 12:04


/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */

* Galette PDF controller
* PHP version 5
* Copyright © 2019 The Galette Team
* This file is part of Galette (
* Galette is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Galette is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Galette. If not, see <>.
* @category Entity
* @package Galette
* @author Johan Cwiklinski <>
* @copyright 2019 The Galette Team
* @license GPL License 3.0 or (at your option) any later version
* @link
* @since Available since 0.9.4dev - 2019-12-05

namespace Galette\Controllers;

use Slim\Http\Request;
use Slim\Http\Response;
use Analog\Analog;
use Galette\Core\Links;
use Galette\Entity\Adherent;
use Galette\Entity\Contribution;
use Galette\Entity\PdfModel;
use Galette\Filters\MembersList;
use Galette\IO\Pdf;
use Galette\IO\PdfAttendanceSheet;
use Galette\IO\PdfContribution;
use Galette\IO\PdfGroups;
use Galette\IO\PdfMembersCards;
use Galette\IO\PdfMembersLabels;
use Galette\Repository\Members;
use Galette\Repository\Groups;
use Galette\Repository\PdfModels;

* Galette PDF controller
* @category Controllers
* @name GaletteController
* @package Galette
* @author Johan Cwiklinski <>
* @copyright 2019 The Galette Team
* @license GPL License 3.0 or (at your option) any later version
* @link
* @since Available since 0.9.4dev - 2019-12-05

class PdfController extends AbstractController
* Send response
* @param Response $response PSR Response
* @param Pdf $pdf PDF to output
* @return Response
protected function sendResponse(Response $response, Pdf $pdf): Response
return $response
->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/pdf')
->withHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment;filename="' . $pdf->getFileName() . '"')
return $response;

* Members PDF card
* @param Request $request PSR Request
* @param Response $response PSR Response
* @param array $args Request arguments
* @return Response
public function membersCards(Request $request, Response $response, array $args = []): Response
if ($this->session->filter_members) {
$filters = $this->session->filter_members;
} else {
$filters = new MembersList();

if (
&& $args[Adherent::PK] > 0
) {
$id_adh = (int)$args[Adherent::PK];
$deps = ['dynamics' => true];
if ($this->login->id == $id_adh) {
$deps['dues'] = true;
$adh = new Adherent(
if (!$adh->canEdit($this->login)) {
_T("You do not have permission for requested URL.")

return $response

//check if member is up to date
if ($this->login->id == $id_adh) {
if (!$adh->isUp2Date()) {
'Member ' . $id_adh . ' is not up to date; cannot get his PDF member card',
return $response
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor('slash'));

// If we are called from a member's card, get unique id value
$unique = $id_adh;
} else {
if (count($filters->selected) == 0) {
'No member selected to generate members cards',
_T("No member was selected, please check at least one name.")

return $response
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor('members'));

// Fill array $selected with selected ids
$selected = array();
if (isset($unique) && $unique) {
$selected[] = $unique;
} else {
$selected = $filters->selected;

$m = new Members();
$members = $m->getArrayList(
array('nom_adh', 'prenom_adh'),

if (!is_array($members) || count($members) < 1) {
'An error has occurred, unable to get members list.',

_T("Unable to get members list.")

return $response
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor('members'));

$pdf = new PdfMembersCards($this->preferences);

return $this->sendResponse($response, $pdf);

* Members PDF label
* @param Request $request PSR Request
* @param Response $response PSR Response
* @return Response
public function membersLabels(Request $request, Response $response): Response
$post = $request->getParsedBody();
$get = $request->getQueryParams();

$session_var = $post['session_var'] ?? $get['session_var'] ?? 'filter_members';

if (isset($this->session->$session_var)) {
$filters = $this->session->$session_var;
} else {
$filters = new MembersList();

$members = null;
if (
&& $get['from'] === 'mailing'
) {
//if we're from mailing, we have to retrieve
//its unreachables members for labels
$mailing = $this->session->mailing;
$members = $mailing->unreachables;
} else {
if (count($filters->selected) == 0) {
Analog::log('No member selected to generate labels', Analog::INFO);
_T("No member was selected, please check at least one name.")

return $response
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor('members'));

$m = new Members();
$members = $m->getArrayList(
array('nom_adh', 'prenom_adh')

if (!is_array($members) || count($members) < 1) {
'An error has occurred, unable to get members list.',

_T("Unable to get members list.")

return $response
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor('members'));

$pdf = new PdfMembersLabels($this->preferences);

return $this->sendResponse($response, $pdf);

* PDF adhesion form
* @param Request $request PSR Request
* @param Response $response PSR Response
* @param array $args Request arguments
* @return Response
public function adhesionForm(Request $request, Response $response, array $args = []): Response
$id_adh = isset($args[Adherent::PK]) ? (int)$args[Adherent::PK] : null;
$adh = new Adherent($this->zdb, $id_adh, ['dynamics' => true]);

if ($id_adh !== null && !$adh->canEdit($this->login)) {
_T("You do not have permission for requested URL.")

return $response

$form = $this->preferences->pref_adhesion_form;
$pdf = new $form($adh, $this->zdb, $this->preferences);

return $this->sendResponse($response, $pdf);

* PDF attendance sheet configuration page
* @param Request $request PSR Request
* @param Response $response PSR Response
* @param array $args Request arguments
* @return Response
public function attendanceSheetConfig(Request $request, Response $response, array $args = []): Response
$post = $request->getParsedBody();

if ($this->session->filter_members !== null) {
$filters = $this->session->filter_members;
} else {
$filters = new MembersList();

// check for ajax mode
$ajax = false;
if (
|| isset($post['ajax'])
&& $post['ajax'] == 'true'
) {
$ajax = true;

//retrieve selected members
$selection = (isset($post['selection'])) ? $post['selection'] : array();

$filters->selected = $selection;
$this->session->filter_members = $filters;
} else {
$selection = $filters->selected;

// display page
'page_title' => _T("Attendance sheet configuration"),
'ajax' => $ajax,
'selection' => $selection
return $response;

* PDF attendance sheet
* @param Request $request PSR Request
* @param Response $response PSR Response
* @return Response
public function attendanceSheet(Request $request, Response $response): Response
$post = $request->getParsedBody();

if ($this->session->filter_members !== null) {
$filters = $this->session->filter_members;
} else {
$filters = new MembersList();

//retrieve selected members
$selection = (isset($post['selection'])) ? $post['selection'] : array();

$filters->selected = $selection;
$this->session->filter_members = $filters;

if (count($filters->selected) == 0) {
Analog::log('No member selected to generate attendance sheet', Analog::INFO);
_T("No member selected to generate attendance sheet")

return $response
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor('members'));

$m = new Members();
$members = $m->getArrayList(
array('nom_adh', 'prenom_adh'),

if (!is_array($members) || count($members) < 1) {
Analog::log('No member selected to generate attendance sheet', Analog::INFO);
_T("No member selected to generate attendance sheet")

return $response
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor('members'));

$doc_title = _T("Attendance sheet");
if (isset($post['sheet_type']) && trim($post['sheet_type']) != '') {
$doc_title = $post['sheet_type'];

$data = [
'doc_title' => $doc_title,
'title' => $post['sheet_title'] ?? null,
'subtitle' => $post['sheet_sub_title'] ?? null,
'sheet_date' => $post['sheet_date'] ?? null
$pdf = new PdfAttendanceSheet($this->zdb, $this->preferences, $data);
//with or without images?
if (isset($post['sheet_photos']) && $post['sheet_photos'] === '1') {

return $this->sendResponse($response, $pdf);

* Contribution PDF
* @param Request $request PSR Request
* @param Response $response PSR Response
* @param array $args Request arguments
* @return Response
public function contribution(Request $request, Response $response, array $args = []): Response
$contribution = new Contribution($this->zdb, $this->login, (int)$args['id']);
if ($contribution->id == '') {
//not possible to load contribution, exit
_T("Unable to load contribution #%id!")
return $response
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor(
['type' => 'contributions']
} else {
$pdf = new PdfContribution($contribution, $this->zdb, $this->preferences);
return $this->sendResponse($response, $pdf);

* Groups PDF
* @param Request $request PSR Request
* @param Response $response PSR Response
* @param array $args Request arguments
* @return Response
public function group(Request $request, Response $response, array $args = []): Response
$groups = new Groups($this->zdb, $this->login);

$groups_list = null;
if (isset($args['id'])) {
$groups_list = $groups->getList(true, $args['id']);
} else {
$groups_list = $groups->getList();

if (!is_array($groups_list) || count($groups_list) < 1) {
'An error has occurred, unable to get groups list.',

_T("Unable to get groups list.")

return $response
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor('groups'));

$pdf = new PdfGroups($this->preferences);
$pdf->draw($groups_list, $this->login);

return $this->sendResponse($response, $pdf);

* PDF models list
* @param Request $request PSR Request
* @param Response $response PSR Response
* @param array $args Request arguments
* @return Response
public function models(Request $request, Response $response, array $args = []): Response
$id = 1;
if (isset($_POST[PdfModel::PK])) {
$id = (int)$_POST[PdfModel::PK];
} elseif (isset($args['id'])) {
$id = (int)$args['id'];

$ms = new PdfModels($this->zdb, $this->preferences, $this->login);
$models = $ms->getList();

$model = null;
foreach ($models as $m) {
if ($m->id === $id) {
$model = $m;

$tpl = null;
$params = [];

//Render directly template if we called from ajax,
//render in a full page otherwise
if (
|| isset($request->getQueryParams()['ajax'])
&& $request->getQueryParams()['ajax'] == 'true'
) {
$tpl = 'gestion_pdf_content.tpl';
$params['model'] = $model;
} else {
$tpl = 'gestion_pdf.tpl';
$params = [
'page_title' => _T("PDF models"),
'models' => $models,
'model' => $model

// display page
return $response;

* Store PDF models
* @param Request $request PSR Request
* @param Response $response PSR Response
* @param array $args Request arguments
* @return Response
public function storeModels(Request $request, Response $response, array $args = []): Response
$post = $request->getParsedBody();
$type = null;
if (isset($post['model_type'])) {
$type = (int)$post['model_type'];

$error_detected = [];
if ($type === null) {
$error_detected[] = _T("Missing PDF model type!");
} else {
$class = PdfModel::getTypeClass($type);
if (isset($post[PdfModel::PK])) {
$model = new $class($this->zdb, $this->preferences, (int)$_POST[PdfModel::PK]);
} else {
$model = new $class($this->zdb, $this->preferences);

try {
$model->header = $post['model_header'];
$model->footer = $post['model_footer'];
$model->type = $type;
if (isset($post['model_body'])) {
$model->body = $post['model_body'];
if (isset($post['model_title'])) {
$model->title = $post['model_title'];
if (isset($post['model_body'])) {
$model->subtitle = $post['model_subtitle'];
if (isset($post['model_styles'])) {
$model->styles = $post['model_styles'];
$res = $model->store();
if ($res === true) {
_T("Model has been successfully stored!")
} else {
$error_detected[] = _T("Model has not been stored :(");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$error_detected[] = $e->getMessage();

if (count($error_detected) > 0) {
foreach ($error_detected as $error) {

return $response
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor('pdfModels', ['id' => $model->id]));

* Get direct document
* @param Request $request PSR Request
* @param Response $response PSR Response
* @param array $args Request arguments
* @return Response
public function directlinkDocument(Request $request, Response $response, array $args = []): Response
$hash = $args['hash'];
$post = $request->getParsedBody();
$email = $post['email'];

$links = new Links($this->zdb);
$valid = $links->isHashValid($hash, $email);

if ($valid === false) {
_T("Invalid link!")

return $response->withStatus(301)
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor('directlink', ['hash' => $hash]));
$target = $valid[0];
$id = (int)$valid[1];
//get user information (like id...) from DB since its missing
$select = $this->zdb->select(Adherent::TABLE, 'a');
$select->where(['email_adh' => $post['email']]);
$results = $this->zdb->execute($select);
$row = $results->current();
//create a new login instance, to not break current session if any
//this will be passed directly to Contribution constructor
$login = new Galette\Core\Login(
$login->id = (int)$row['id_adh'];
if ($target === Links::TARGET_MEMBERCARD) {
$m = new Members();
$members = $m->getArrayList(
array('nom_adh', 'prenom_adh'),

if (!is_array($members) || count($members) < 1) {
'An error has occurred, unable to get members list.',

_T("Unable to get members list.")

return $response
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor('directlink', ['hash' => $hash]));

$pdf = new PdfMembersCards($this->preferences);
} else {
$contribution = new Contribution($this->zdb, $login, $id);
if ($contribution->id == '') {
//not possible to load contribution, exit
_T("Unable to load contribution #%id!")
return $response
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor(
['hash' => $hash]
} else {
$pdf = new PdfContribution($contribution, $this->zdb, $this->preferences);

return $this->sendResponse($response, $pdf);