Maybe then, it might be a good point, if only it's possible, that Galette follows the GNU's LibreJS recommendations to set its javascript code free ?
The conclusion regarding this question is summed up in the last part ( Next steps ) of this article.
LibreJS is a method proposed by the FSF to "make the full license information readily accessible to visitors". It is not a way to comply with the licenses used in embed or external scripts : "Every free software license clearly lays out its own conditions, and any webmaster who wants to use a different method that meets those conditions is welcome to do so".
Or at least, to provide a way to chose between using or not the minified assets, and include js sources in the releases ?
To include the unminified scripts in the releases is clearly not required to comply with a free software license ; unless the license itself would require to do so. Some more cleaning can therfore be done in fomantic's built assets. Next Galette's releases will be even lighter :)
The minimum requirement is to keep the licences and copyrights, or their references.
Galette's javascript code is covered by the project's license and copyrights.
Regarding the external scripts used, each include its own reference to the license it uses.
So, I think there is an issue with galette-main.bundle.min.js
which bundles jquery, js-cookie, summernote and common.js : all the comments about the licenses are removed during the gulp process. It will be easy to fix with slight adjustments in gulpfile.js